How to style these ‘Royal Union Jack Flag Paper Cups’:
Pair with our royally fantastic range of Coronation paper straws, plates and even new ice cream cups for a quintessentially British affair. Lay out the coronation paper tableware for friends, family and neighbours at your royal street party and gather together breakages free.
Pack size: 8
Size: 250ml
How to dispose of these ‘Royal Union Jack Flag Paper Cups’:
Once you’re partied out, the paper cups can go into the recycling along with their packaging.
Product: widely recycled
Packaging: widely recycled
Pair with our royally fantastic range of Coronation paper straws, plates and even new ice cream cups for a quintessentially British affair. Lay out the coronation paper tableware for friends, family and neighbours at your royal street party and gather together breakages free.
Pack size: 8
Size: 250ml
How to dispose of these ‘Royal Union Jack Flag Paper Cups’:
Once you’re partied out, the paper cups can go into the recycling along with their packaging.
Product: widely recycled
Packaging: widely recycled